
This page will contain all the links to important websites


For Dotnet

  1. Microsoft Documentation for .NET
  2. ASP.NET
  3. .NET API Reference Browser
  4. Microsoft Virtual Academy
  5. Visual Studio Dev Essentials
  6. Microsoft.NET
  7. DotnetRepos on GitHub
  8. Microsoft Tech Community
  9. Microsoft Tech Net
  10. Microsoft Answers
  11. ASP.NET Repository on Github
  12. Microsoft Channel9
  13. Scott Guthrie


Learning Resources

  1. Free course on Deploying to Cloud with Azure
  2. Pluralsight
  3. W3 Schools
  4. W3 Schools How To
  5. Mozilla Learning Resources
  6. Mozilla Developer Network
  7. Code.Google
  8. Code.Facebook
  9. Archive



  1. R-Bloggers
  2. R Package Documentation


News from the Industry

  1. The Next Web
  2. Hacker News
  3. Reddit